I think so. And I trust Jesus to be with her in it.
From what I've seen from the redeemed Nala, and from what I know about Jesus, I have no doubt that she has been given a chance to grow in spiritual awareness. And at the same time I've seen how many who claim to be "in Christ" have not Christ's Spirit within them. And I believe this because of the fruit they are bearing.
As for Nala's spiritual fruit? That's yet to be fully seen, but she is not alone, Christ is with her because she has been born again into the spiritual awareness. She's on her way with Christ. And he is with her on this spiritual journey.
Jesus said to Nicodemus, "if you don’t believe me when I tell you about earthly things, how can you possibly believe if I tell you about heavenly things?" (John 3:12)
The believers that are regenerated, those who are born again, are made spiritual in their new nature, and they are being refined from the dregs of sensuality. They've revolved from whitewashed external performances and rituals into spiritual experiences of the heart and mind. It isn't enough for followers to admire Christ’s miraculous works, and to acknowledge his mission by professing belief in that mission. In the rebirth there needs to be a spiritual connection between the man or woman, and the Messiah. The natural person must become a spiritual person, before she is capable of receiving (accepting) and understanding the things of the Spirit. Accepting is the first fruit.
"The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God..." (1 Corinthians 2:14)
Because of our sin nature, it is absolutely necessary that we are regenerated. If we're to be happy and blessed in our new relationship with Christ we must be washed, sanctified from within the Spiritual life. And this is mainly necessary, because left to our own human nature, we would chase after only the things of the world and not for the things of the Spirit. We'd seek influence. We'd seek prestige. We'd look for opportunities of personal power and gain wrapped up in our own glory as we go about our humanist and religious busyness.
Through this man of God-teacher-temple priest, and his inability to understand the spiritual truth, Jesus instructs all of those who would follow him. He wants us to know him. It's why he has promised that he'd send the helper, and has commissioned us to become his disciples.
Jesus said:
"Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:20)
It's all very ordinary.
And be sure to know he is with you.
God is spirit. How will we know he is with us if we cannot know spiritual things?
He is with you always.
Is Jesus the man, in all his glory, standing next to you? Is he hand in hand guiding you throughout your days in his physical form?
No. He is with you always in the works of The Holy Spirit. Teaching you spiritual things. Giving you wisdom. Empowering your prayers. Enlivening your inner person into fellowship and service. He is sanctifying your soul with his Spirit.
Jesus is with the disciples always to help them overcome the obstacles of their human nature that stand in the way of fulfilling his mission. When we are so hardened and used to the things of the world dominating our lives, we're going to struggle with knowing Christ. Jesus is searching our heart and we're searching the world for our own answers. Our ears tingle with joy as we walk in the ways of the world. Hardhearted. Unforgiving. Not giving grace and mercy in the same way Christ gave us. Not loving our enemies and being Christ's humble disciples. Not forgiving the sins of many who don't fit into our own self righteous agenda. Not born again in the Spirit.
Jesus said,
“If you forgive people their sins, your Father in heaven will forgive your sins also. If you do not forgive people their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
(Matthew 6:14-15)
It's a simple proposition. Forgive and you'll be forgiven. It's simple for those who are born again in the Spirit. It's simple for those, who like Jesus said, are trusting in what he says about redemption, forgiveness, mercy, and friendship with God. It's too simple for those who want to complicate things. It's like when the priests tried to hush Jesus' crowds of followers, or when Jesus' family tried to restrain his extravagant message of forgiveness and his seemingly rebellious ministry. They wanted to rein him in, they tried to mute him. But Jesus muted them because he knew his message was meant for more than what small minded folks were trying to make of it.
And these small minded people continue even today. Christ's message of redemption is being ignored because some want to make sure that the redeemed have met their idea of salvation. They've got religious ideas and demands, and make no place for the Spirit.
What did Jesus say about these people?
"They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden. Everything they do is for show."
(Matthew 23:4-5a)
And it just goes back to this same idea that they haven't learned from Christ, they haven't been born again into The Spirit. They remain in the world, religious yes, but worldly just the same.
They shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in the repentant people’s faces. And they won’t go in themselves, and don’t let others enter either (Matthew 23:13).
So they haven't seen because they are spiritually blind. Blind guides. They ignore the more important aspects of the Truth—justice, mercy, and faith.
They strain their spiritual drink to capture a gnat, and meanwhile they swallow a whole camel of religious fundamentalism. Clean on the outside, filthy on the inside.
Jesus said,
"Outwardly you look like righteous people, but inwardly your hearts are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness."
(Matthew 23:28)
Here's to praying that they will dig out that huge log from their own eyes so that they can then help their friend with the sawdust in hers.
Nala Ray - former Only Fans performer redeemed in Christ and Christ is with her...always.